I started following the Civilian Military Combine Training schedule on Tuesday. Its basically an 8 week work out schedule that is supposed to prep you for their competitions. So far, so good. I am really enjoying it and modifying where needed. Not doing it necessarily verbatim. On Monday, I picked up a 45 pound, 7 foot Olympic weight lifting bar for only $45 in a Home Depot parking lot from a guy selling it on Craig's List. Seriously, a good deal. At Play it Again Sports, they were around $100. This bar has been key in the training program. I'm in the process of buying weights for it, so in the mean time I've had to modify by wearing my weight vest for Maximum Effort Squats. I've also realized I'm going to have to get a squat rack. Of course, I have no idea where we'd would put it, but I'll worry about that the day I find one on Craig's List. Oh, I guess I should mention that I am not doing a CMC, but rather just following their schedule. It was designed by Brian Hawkins of NY Endurance, and you can read all about his cred's on the link at the beginning of the paragraph.
So, what did we do today? It was a fun one. And more importantly, a tough one. When it was all said and done, my right butt cheek tensed up. Never had the happen before. Kind of funny feeling. The attendees were me, Andrea, and Bridgid, who we are hoping will be a last minute addition to Team Shut It Down for the Spartan. We trained in my backyard, which turned out to be the perfect space for today's TOD. We dragged all of the equipment out of my basement and cranked up my Work out mix on the iPod Boom Box. (The weight was my own personal weight. We each do what we feel comfortable with)
Warm up
Bridgid Jacks
Jumping Jacks
Seal Jacks
Alpine Jacks
5 rounds
20 Step ups (Used leftover cinder blocks from our wall)
15 Push Presses (45 lbs)
10 Kettle Bell or Kettle Ball swings (depends on who you talk to) (35 lbs)
5 Burpees
For the second half, we did stations. Basically we rotated with completion of the tire flips being the trigger to switch.
15 minutes
Tire Flips up and down the yard
Walking lunges with Sand Bag (30 lbs)
Jump Rope
Next week, we'll be hitting the trails to get some trail running experience under our belt before the race. I send out Event invites on our Team Shut It Down page on Facebook. If you would like to join us, please message me. I can add you to the page.
I found a weight lifting journal in our home office, and have been using it to track my work outs and what I've been eating. Its definitely something I hope to keep up. Especially, when I begin training for my first Ultra Marathon (Mt. Airy Stone Steps 50k - Oct 27th) More on that once I officially start my training.
Earlier this week:
Saturday 3/30
10.2 Mile Run (No shin splints! and decided to train for Ultra)
Sunday 3/31
8 Hill Sprints (30 lb vest)
3.4 mile trail loop
8 Hill Sprints (30 lb vest)
Total Miles: 5.26
Total Time: 1:22:09
Wednesday 4/3
CMC Week 1, Day 1
Maximum Effort Back Squats (45lb bar plus 30 lb weight vest)
8, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2
3 Rounds as fast as possible
25m Bear Crawl (crawled up and back my basement floor with Jon dodging a growling bear)
25m Crab Crawl (Jon dodging my pinchers.)
25 Kettle Bell Swings (20 lbs)
12 Kettle Bell Press, each arm (20 lbs)
Bonus: 25 Split Jerks
Thursday 4/4
CMC 1:2
12 Minutes - As many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP)
5 Thrusters (45 lbs)
10 Push ups
15 Sit ups
Results: 6 and 2/3, but finished out.
Friday 4/5
CMC 1:3
Strength: Squats ME
8, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 (45 lbs + 30lb weight vest)
As Fast As Possible
21 - 15 - 9 reps
Dead lifts
Saturday 4/6
5 Minute Jump Rope warm up
CMC 1:4
8 min AMRAP
10 Turkish Get ups (12 lbs)
10 Kettle Bell Cleans (25lb free hand)
10 Kettle Bell Swings (35 lbs)
Results: 2 rounds + about 2-3 Turkish Get ups. I cannot keep count of these to save my life. The exercise takes too long so too many thoughts go through my head before the next rep.
3.4 mile poorly ran trail loop. Luckily a bad trail run is always a good hike.
Well, that's it. This week I begin week 2 of the CMC schedule. And 3 weeks til the big race!
This was brought up today, and may be the new weekly cool down. |