The past couple of days I have been working out a very important, crucial detail: My hair.
Typically, I wear just your standard french braid. Its what I work out in and what I competed in for the Sprint and all of my local races. For the Super, I decided to spruce up the locks a bit, and sported the pig tail french braids. But, the Beast. The Beast is a race of epic proportions. I've spent months training to wage war against the Hell that will cover 14 miles of Glen Rose, TX. I will be dressed in my best compression from my feet up, my CamelBak will be strapped to my back, and my laces will be tied extra tight. When I step up to the starting pit, I will be ready to conquer whatever the directors have laid out. My hair, well its gotta be battle worthy.
I started experimenting last night. I knew I wanted the Mohawk look, but without chopping off all of my hair. In the past I've braided a section right down the top, middle part of my head and into a pony tail. This gave the right look, but I'm not a fan of pony tails. They sway back and forth when running and totally through off my groove (hence the braids). So I tried after finishing the top braid, pulling in the sides really tight, and then continuing down the back. Ah, it worked out okay. The problem was the top didn't poof up enough. Wasn't drastic enough to look like a faux hawk. I tried sticking my rat tail comb through it and loosening it, but to no dice.
Tonight, I had much better luck. First, we watched Snow White and the Huntsman. Surprisingly, a really good movie. Plus, I love Charlize Thernon. In the final battle scene, Snow White has a mohawk type do. Her mohawk is just a back combed poof with the sides braided. The poof would not fare too well under barbed wire. I've decided that I'm sticking with the braid. Luckily, I had a stroke of genius tonight which led to late night braiding. I decided to braid the top section in the anti-gravity chamber aka with my head upside down. Bingo. Mohawk is poofy. This is my first attempt, so definitely needs cleaned up, practiced, and smaller hair thingies but I'm digging it. Basically, I parted my hair into 4 sections: Top, 2 sides, and back. I braided the top upside down and tied it off. Then braided each of the sides as far out as they would go. Then I wrapped them around the pony from the top braid. Finally tying it all together with a second hair thingy. On race day I think I'm going to braid the big pony into several smaller braids. Strictly, functional (well and a tad bad @$$). It'll help with keeping knots to a minimum.
I give you Battle Braids. Well, what do you think?
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