And that's where Cake stops being applicable. I guess technically I am all alone when I train, but I have Jon and others offering their full support.
Anyways, I did go the distance on Friday. I set a personal record of 8.4 miles. I started my run Friday morning with the intentions of going on my 5.5 mile route. However, I was feeling pretty good. There was a lady at a bus stop, and I asked her for the time. It was only 7:50. I had time to kill, so I made like Forrest and kept running. I did have to walk some, but I basically covered the distance of a Super Spartan. Woo hoo. Now I just need to be able to scale walls, climb ropes, pull cement buckets, drag concrete blocks, crawl under barbed wire, etc, for those 8 + miles. At one point during my run, there was a couple of tires sitting next to a curb. I had to resist the urge to pick them up one by one and hurl them as far as possible. The problem with being an OCR addict is that everything around you becomes an obstacle, like junk tires.
Going into the weekend I had great intentions. We were supposed to go to our lake house Friday night so we could wake up early. I planned to swim and then bike a few times around the lake. Sunday, I planned to do Hobie Call's rock intervals. Well, none of this happened. We got to the lake on Saturday morning. Jon's nipple got bit by a Blue Gill while chillakin' in a cove. And it was really just a long, lazy weekend. Lots of junk food and sheer laziness. Well, this carried over to Monday and no exercising then either. I think all of the crappy food I ate and the alcohol gave me a bit of a food hangover.
Tuesday, I woke with a vengeance. Unfortunately, so did Mother Nature. I had planned on doing Hobie Call's rock work out with my hot pink brick, but it was storming outside. Drizzle, no problemo. Thunder and lightning and I'm staying indoors. Can't OCR if I'm dead. I also had limited time. So into the basement I went. I did one round of intervals based on the rock work but modified for the indoors. Also, my medicine ball is only 10 lbs. and my pink brick is 20, so less weight.
Chest throws against the wall (10 lbs medicine ball) - 2 minutes.
10 Push ups
(Break through: Decided to ban little girl push ups and put on my big girl panties. To summarize: Quantity decreased drastically and quality increased.)
Kettle Bell swings (25 lbs) - 2 minutes
10 Burpees
Slams with medicine ball (my fav anger management exercise) - 2 minutes
10 Push ups (Why did I ban little girl push ups..Arggghhh)
Squat to Shoulder Press (20 lb. pink brick) - 2 minutes
Link to Hobie Call's work out. FYI: He has won the most Spartan Races ever. Can't remember his record, but its remarkable. You should Google him.
Tuesday evening I went to my brother's house to pick up my weighted vest. He works at a sporting goods store and got one for me over the weekend. Now I'm going to cry sexism. I have looked everywhere, and the women's vests are only available in 20 lbs. I call bull shit. The men's come in 40 lbs. To 'weight' the vest, you stuff 1 lb sand bags in pockets sewn all over the vest, so I can have a 30 lb vest. The issue is, I'm not a barrel chested man with broad shoulders. So I have a vest that is too wide and I have difficulty lifting my arms since the shoulders are so broad. But since product designers think women are weak, I'll have to deal with it and they can suck it.
With my vest in tow, I went over to White Oak Middle School. This is where every kid in the area goes on a snow day. Why? Because its a big, steep, fast hill. Why did I go? Because its a big, steep hill and I want to be fast. If you want to get faster, run up a hill. If you want to get faster running up a hill, add a weighted vest. I donned my vest, and ran up the hill 10 times. I got lots of stares from people walking on the school grounds, but I'm pretty sure they were thinking, "Wish I could do that." I then ran 10-15 times (lost count) without the vest. Then finished up with 3 sets of 12 Tri-dips on a wall and bench. Once home, I did some very assisted pull ups. On the link above there is also a weighted vest work out that maybe you'll read about next week.
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