Ryan Gettys, owner and trainer at Go Native Fit, reached out to me via Facebook offering to help Team Shut It Down train for our upcoming IN Spartan Sprint. How could I refuse our team the opportunity to learn more and shake up our routines? Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard of CrossFit. Go Native Fit is very similiar to CrossFit, but without the cult-like atomosphere. Work outs are done for a length of time, a count, or to a max. And they're not wimpy classes. We work with real weights (not 3lb weights meant for dodge ball, Andrea). Weights that are heavy enough to bring about muscle exhaustion and changes. Last night after class, I struggled with smashing black beans. So, it works. Not too mention its fun. We do all of the work together encouraging one another as we go. And he puts together events from time to time. One such event was an all night Ruck through the city of Cincinnati which included watching the sunrise over the river from Eden Park. Now, that's my kind of work out/crazy.
Working with weights, olympic lifts, kettle bells, rowing machines etc, sounds intimidating. You may be thinking, "I'm not in good enough shape to do that," or "I would have no idea what I was doing," or "Everybody's going to laugh at me." But that is not the case. Ryan scales down and modifies exercises that may be too much for someone. For example, if you're struggling with running, Ryan will stick you on the bike so you are still doing cardio. Ryan also teaches you the lifts and checks your form. Turns out I have been doing squats wrong by winking my butt (I know, kind of gross sounding), not sticking out my butt. Last night I learned how to do Hang Cleans and Power Cleans. I had never done these and am apparently uncoordinated. It came down to Ryan chanting, "Pop, pull, and roll" for me to finally figure it out. Put directions to a beat and all of a sudden I get it. Maybe its the former cheerleader in me. "Lets get fired up!" Seriously, it took me forever to figure those things out, but Ryan kept working with me until I was doing it correctly. As far as people laughing at you, not going to happen. Last Saturday, I couldn't figure out how to hold the bar correctly for squats. Everyone, not just Ryan, helped me out. So yeah, you may look like an idiot and feel like an idiot but everyone's there to support you and your idiocracy.
To give you an idea of what to expect, I'll share the two WOD's I did at GoNative Fit so far.
- Run to trail and back (about 400 meters)
- 5x: 1 minute Jump Rope, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute plank, 30 seconds rest.
- Run to trail and back
- 5x: 15 Kettle Bell Swings, 15 air squats
- Run to trail and back
- Max reps: Weighted squats, shoulder presses
- Run to trail and back
- Warm up on Concept Rower
- Squats with bar
- Practice proper form, squat to butt on medicine ball (hope you are in the landing zone)
- Learn new stretch for ankles and calves
- Squat to butt on medicine ball, flexibility greatly improved
- Roll Field Hockey Ball along Bikini line (can't remember name of muscles) to stretch hips
- Squat as low as can go, flexibility improved yet again
- Hang Cleans/Power Cleans - no idea how many, mostly me learning proper form
- 100 Kettle Bell Swings (work on grip strength by not letting it go flying over your head)
- 5 Minutes Jump Roping
- 300m Row or there abouts
I'll be there on Saturday. Class starts at 10am. I hope you can join me. All fitnesses levels are welcome. No excuses: Saturday morning cartoons suck these days anyways.
GoNativeFit (Cute little beach shack behind the Volley Ball courts at Hahana Beach)
7605 Wooster Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45227
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