Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Flipping Tires

Finally, I got to use the tractor tire that has been sitting on our back patio for a few weeks now. It all started with a Facebook post stating I needed a tire for exercise purposes. My parent's best friends just switched out their tractor tires and offered to drop one off. This agreement went down on a Saturday afternoon at the lake house in which Jon was not present. The following evening, Mr. Becker comes driving down our street with the tire loaded into the back of his truck. Again, Jon had no idea. He looks out the window and sees this truck with a tire and screams, "Hey Nicki!" I thought something was wrong. Maybe a fire. Perhaps Riley Kitty got hit be a car. Nope. He was just so excited that someone had a tire in the back of a truck, and they were slowing down. I truly appreciated his excitement and support of my insanity. He wanted to chase down a truck to get me a tire. Love him. I then told him it was Mr. Becker dropping it off for me.

The reason for waiting before using it is that they had to cut it off the tractor wheel. Basically, instead of a full circle, it has a slit in it. If you stretched it apart, it would be a "U". So for the past few weeks, Jon and I have been trying to figure out a way to patch it. We tried drilling holes and lacing it up. Took way too long. Then we thought to hold it together with a few metal bars. We never got to that. I finally, decided to hell with it, I can at least beat it with a sledge hammer. And beat I did!

This morning I did Tire interval training. 3 bouts with 60 seconds on, and 15 second rest. First, I did a jump rope warm up to 2 songs (very technical).

Side Sledge Hammer Swing
Other Side Sledge Hammer Swing
Over Head Sledge Hammer Swing
Other Side Over Head Hammer Swing
Push ups
Dead Lifts (25 lb. free weight)
Mountain Climbers
Walking Lunges

Afterwards, I flipped the tire up and down the yard. When I first started, Jon spied on me from the kitchen window. After admiring my terrible form, he came outside and taught me how to swing a sledge hammer. Apparently, swinging a sledge hammer is not the same as swinging a bat. Coach Jon is the best.

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