The Beast's Lair |
My reasoning behind not going to gym since the inception of this madness is the convenience of working out at home and the joy of being outside. I must say those are great reasons, however, this morning I realized a reason that trumps both of those. Apparently, a beast resides inside of me. A big ol' gnarly, hairy beast. One, that when pushed to its limits, lets out an extremely loud growl. A beast that requires loud music to drown out some of the roaring and yelling when pushing for just one more rep. A beast that would get extremely strange stares at the gym or politely told to show respect for others and STFU. I have no intentions of caging this beast, so I will continue to let it loose in our basement where its screams are muffled by cinder block walls. Aroo!
Short and Sweet upper body interval (1 minute on, 20 seconds off, 1 round)
Tri Row (20 lbs)
Tri Row other arm
Medicine Ball Chest Throws (The beast is waking up!)
Pull ups (assisted and just hanging at the top)
Mountain Climber Push ups
Dead Lifts (2 15lb dumbbells)
Squat Press (2 15lbs. dumbbells) Beast is out!!!
Curls (15 lbs.)
Plank Walk up with dumbbell drag
Discover my circuit is actually 9 exercises, not 8, so my Gym Boss was only set for 9 bouts since one exercise is with each arm but in reality.......
*Seriously, I cannot count*
Finish with max Kettle Bell snatches for each arm.
Put the Beast to rest.
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