Thursday, September 27, 2012

30 30's for 30 Days Away

Today is September 27th, which means the Spartan Super MW is 30 days away. I woke up at 6am ready to rock it today. I didn't even hit the snooze. I was really excited for today's TOD. As a twisted soul, I decided to "celebrate" with a collection of 30 exercises to be done 30 times. Number 1 on the list is a 3 mile run. Yes, I know that it is not a 30, but my run was just over 3 miles and lasted just over 30 minutes. So it counts.

Here we go!!!
  1. 3 Mile Run
  2. 30 Pull ups - All assisted, and all sucked
  3. 30 Squats
  4. 30 Curls
  5. 30 Burpees
  6. 30 Crunches
  7. 30 Leg Lifts
  8. 30 Push ups
  9. 30 Mountain Climbers
  10. 30 Frog Jumps
  11. 30 Long Jumps
  12. 30 Russian Ab Twists
  13. 30 Bear Crawls
  14. 30 Cleans - Sucked
  15. 30 Calf Raises
  16. 30 KB Snatches
  17. 30 Tri Rows
  18. 30 Jumping Jacks
  19. 30 Alpine Jacks
  20. 30 Seal Jacks
  21. 30 Dead Lifts
  22. 30 Plank Dumb Bell Drag - REALLY SUCKED
  23. 30 Chest Ball Throws
  24. 30 Man Makers = Man Breakers
  25. 30 Chair to Chair Tri Dips (Coffee table to Kitchen chair)
  26. 30 V Sit ups
  27. 30 KB Swings
  28. 30 Tire Sledge
  29. 30 Walking Lunges
  30. 3 Rope Climbs - Sub'ed 30 squats because I cut my thumb pretty good cutting potatoes last night.
This girl got 'em all done in about an hour. I should clarify, 2-30 in about an hour. I'm not that Beastly. Yet. Several times I had to take a break because I was on the verge of puking. Jon had to ask me if I was okay at one point. I nodded "Yes," and kept going.

As far as the run part: When I woke, it was raining, so while getting my lunch and breakfast together, I strategized about my outfit and my iTouch. I had bought a Saucony Weather Proof runner's jacket at my favorite store, Marshalls, for just this situation. Finally, I could put it to the test. I put my iTouch in a ziploc baggy and slit a small hole in it for my headphones. This I kept in an inside pocket of my jacket. Worked like a charm. My amazing Nike+ SportWatch GPS clocked my 5k at 28:45. Fastest, but also first with the watch, road 5k. Its under 30 minutes, which makes me very happy. Oh, and my New Balance shoes felt great. Zero knee pain.

Total Distance: 3.3 Miles
Total Time: 30:33

Couldn't have said it better.

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